Showing posts with label Introductions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Introductions. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Newest Butt Kicking Woman Writing About It

Hi there and happy Tuesday. I’m Lisa and I’m the newest Butt Kicking Woman here at the blog.  I’m happy and honored to have been asked to join this group of incredible women. And since I’m new here, I want to tell you a little bit about me.

I am, in no particular order, a wife; eclectic pagan; reader; writer; “creative goddess”; paralegal; crafter; Dueser; Castillion; blogger; miscellaneous fan-girl; smutty wench; geek; a lover of music, dance, & dogs, and a woman with a very warped sense of humor.

What you can expect from me--A variety of blogs. Some long and involved and some short and sweet. Some will be very serious and some will be more light-hearted. Some are just very short stories or observations.  

Like the other ladies here, I’m opinionated and I don’t mind sharing. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, not even the other Butt Kicking Women.  There are a lot of people I know whose views on certain things are in opposition to my own.  And there are some I disagree with but can still respect because I know they are well thought-out.  They aren’t just parroting a particular point of view.  

You can also expect that I will be, in most cases, very blunt. I will go beyond calling a spade a spade. I will call it a damn shovel if I think that’s necessary. You can’t have an open and honest dialogue if you’re constantly mincing words and speaking in euphemisms.  And that’s what I hope most of my blogs will be... a chance to start a dialogue.  

So thanks for taking a few moments to read this.  I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

An Introduction - The Prosy Rose

Allow me to introduce myself, I'm The Prosy Rose. Sunday is my day to blog here. What can you expect from me? Well, a blog on just about anything. I am a gaming geek (role playing not video games). I love movies; the good, the bad and just the plain mediocre. I'm shamelessly cat-owned.

I am opinionated and I'm not ashamed to admit I am feminist. In seventh grade we were tasked to write a Christmas story for elementary children. Mine was titled "The ERA Reindeer." It was about how Vixen fought for the right to lead Santa's sleigh. I got an "A" on the story and a note from my teacher to take home to my parents. While she loved the story and felt it was very mature for my age; she didn't think it was appropriate for the younger children.

Sometimes I wonder, what would have happened if she had shared it with the elementary students. Would she have been challenged by an irate parent? Would a young girl stop and wonder why Vixen couldn't guide Santa's sleigh? Would she relate that "I wonder" back to her own life?

Up until the moment my parents sheared my teacher's note with me, my story had been a story to me. It was just a homework assignment. It was the fanciful tale taking a real world fight, equal rights, and applying it to the world of make believe. 

Although my story wasn't shared; I did learn something. I learned that words and stories could be powerful. They can convey so much more than just a simple tale. Their impact is much more than just character, dialogue and plot. 

Having learned that lesson, I applied my understanding beyond just my own creative works. I began to look at the works of others. I learned that it wasn't just words alone either but images as well.

So in the coming weeks and months do not be surprised if you see me look for the deeper connections in pop culture including movies, TV shows, books, games, comics, etc... Over the years I have learned to look not just from a "feminist" perspective either. I look at race, religion and even sexual orientation. 

I try to challenge myself to look beyond my own privilege and biases when possible. I hope to do the same for you as well. 

I'm not promising this will be the exclusive purview of my writing. After all, sometimes I just feel inclined to write about cats.  However, do not be surprised if what you find most often is me questioning a deeper context in mass media.

This is why, I'm The Prosy Rose.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Opening Thoughts from The Chocolate Priestess about Butt-Kicking Women

Hello everyone even though your numbers are quite small as we begin this joint blog called "Butt-Kicking Women Write About It."

I'm The Chocolate Priestess and as my name may suggest I really like chocolate.  What my name does not suggest is that I'm a former Academic turned full-time author.  As our blog name should suggest I've always been a very assertive woman who is not shy with her opinions.

Today I don't want to take up much of your time just say "hi" and tell you a bit about what you'll see in the coming months and years.

Each of the five women working on this blog has taken a day as "her day to write" -- mine will be on Fridays.  We'll always label posts with our name so you know whose opinions you are reading.  We have not limited what each other can write about.  Society tries to do that for us so why would we want to do that to ourselves?

In order to comment on anything we say you MUST become a member of this blog, it is free but as each of us writes for herself we want you to comment for yourself and claim ownership for those words.  You are free to use a nom de plume or fake name or whatever you want to call it.  Don't think this is a place to unload any anti-woman crap you have going on in your own head or to try and bully others; we will delete and ban comments that are flatly inappropriate.  You don't have to agree with us try to be an adult about it and we will do the same in return.

Have a good weekend and I believe my sister-authors will be putting up posts starting on Sunday.

Bye bye!