Showing posts with label #CDC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #CDC. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Why Support Donald Trump

Dear Evangelicals,

Many people have asked you over the past four years why you support Donald Trump, knowing just how morally flawed he is. Overwhelmingly, your answer has been that he’s anti-abortion and he will put justices on the Supreme Court who will overturn Roe-vs-Wade.  While I’m not sure he’s really anti-abortion, he has kept the promise and installed three justices during his tenure who have expressed their disapproval of abortion rights in our country.  Okay, he kept his promise but now I have other questions.

Why do you continue to support him?

Why do you support a man who raped his first wife?

Why do you support a man who has had at least twenty-six other women accuse him of sexual assault?  Do you think they’re all lying? In at least one case, he could easily absolve himself by a simple DNA test and yet he refuses to take one.

Why do you support a man who has split up families and locked the children in cages?  Whose agencies didn’t keep accurate records so now over 500 children remain in custody while no one knows where they belong?

Why do you support a man who tells lies as easily as he breathes? A man who has broken more business contracts than I can count just because he could and it was monetarily advantageous for him?  A man who inflates the value of his properties when he wants to get a loan but then deflates the value for tax purposes?

Why do you support a man who is a serial cheater?  He was having sex with his second wife (even declared it the best he’d ever had) while still married to his first.  He continued the trend by being in a sexual relationship with is third wife while married to his second. And to complete the trifecta, he had sex with Stormy Daniels shortly after Melania gave birth to their son. Is this really okay with you?

Why do you support a man who believes he is better than God?  The first commandment is to “have no other gods before me”. In July, 2106 he said “I alone can fix it.” referring to all the problems he perceived in the United States.  God can’t fix it but Donald Trump can?  If he is better than God, why hasn’t he made the world a better place? 

Why do you support a man who carelessly let over a quarter of a million people die when he had the means available to stem the tide of the Covid-19 virus years ago? The Obama administration left him with all the tools necessary to tackle this plague. They gave him a fully functioning Department of Heath and Human Services.  They left the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention full of virologists, epidemiologists, and other knowledgeable persons who had experience with pandemics. They even wrote it all down and left a manual on how to handle such an outbreak.  And yet Donald (I’m-Better-Than-God) Trump decided that none of that was necessary. There was no national leadership. He left it all to the individual states and then hampered their efforts to get the equipment they need. Even after he, allegedly, contracted the virus himself, he’s done nothing to help get this illness under control.

Why do you support a man who denies the proven science of climate change?  Genesis 1:26 states: Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”  Do you honestly believe He meant for us to “rule over” in such a way that the earth becomes inhabitable and the fish, birds and land animals are all destroyed?

Why do you support a man who thinks that Neo-Nazi and White Nationalist groups are “very fine people”? Admittedly he has made a few public statements condemning certain groups. He’s also said that he condemns violence, hatred and racism. But he’s done nothing about it. He’s sent armed forces to break up peaceful demonstrations. He’s not called for a Judiciary Department investigation into any one of these well known organizations.  Didn’t even give a “job well done” to the FBI who uncovered a plot to kidnap Michigan’s Governor.  Rachel Maddow likes to say “Watch what they do, not what they say.”  Or as my mother would have said, “Actions speak louder than words” and his actions (or lack thereof) have made his true feelings perfectly clear.

Finally, why do you support a man who exhibits none of the knowledge even young (and young in their faith) Christians have? Ignoring all of the above, look at his life.  He has no history of ever attending any Church. Having armed forces clear a path through peaceful protestors so he can stand in front of St. John’s Church and hold a Bible doesn’t count. By his own admission, he’s never asked for God’s forgiveness for anything. He’s demonstrated no knowledge of any of the Bible’s text; can’t even come up with “Jesus wept” let alone something more complex as “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son”. And Paul’s admonition from Ephesians, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” is clearly beyond him.

You got what you said you wanted, a Supreme Court that will likely erode Roe-vs-Wade until we’re back to where we were before 1973.  Why do you continue to support such a morally flawed man whose life is in such conflict with the teachings of the Bible?