Showing posts with label Cosmetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cosmetics. Show all posts

Friday, November 24, 2017

Self-Care and Beauty Care, Is it De-stressing?

Thanksgiving was yesterday and for many of us several winter/summer holidays are fast approaching. For women this can be a particularly stressful time. I know I grew up in a household where my mother was the primary social calendar keeper and the social focus for our immediate family. I grew up with that as my role model so it is not surprising that I am the Chief Communications Officer of our family starship (as we geeks like to say).

Stress from trying to manage different invitations to holiday parties from work, volunteer organizations, friends, family, and neighbors.

Stress from working on our own parties and trying to figure out who we can not invite without seeming like aholes.

Stress from all the holiday greetings everyone who doesn't live in our town will expect and then stress from keeping track of what we get because we don't hear back from you for three years, we aren't sending you a holiday card (the hubby declares).

4 Kroger Spa Line Products

One way we are told to lessen stress is to delegate to others and to take care of ourselves. Taking care of ourselves can involve a lot of things but many of them are physical. I'm part of the MyMagazineSharing Network through Kroger and I was sent four of their store brand "spa line" products for free in exchange for sharing my experiences about them in a fair way. I'm not a big spa person, I've been to a spa once in my lifetime. I'm not a big make-up user and the only time I try fancy or expensive skin care products is when I'm sent them to review. Today I want to share what my experience was with these products.

I started with the Bright Under Eye Care treatment because I've been very tired from pain and then surprise! I caught a virus from someone in my household. I was concerned my eyes might look extra tired or baggy. First I thought there might be two treatments when I opened the package because the pads look large.

Brighten Under Eye Care Pads, Kroger Spa Line
Then I put them on and don't these look HUGE? I don't have either a small or large face, for my body it is average sized but look how large these pads are. They tingled a bit and were cool when I put them on for the full 20 minutes. They came off easily and I gently patted the area underneath but my skin had soaked up most of the solution on the pads. The area under my eyes looked red when I took them off so I let my skin be for half an hour and my skin and eyes were fine. If this product helped under eyes then I guess I didn't have anything wrong with mine at all the day I tried this.

Are these pads huge? Kroger Spa Line
Then I tried the facial masks and these were literally my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th facial masks I have ever used in my life. These were very different from the first mask I used. These are fully formed face shaped sheets and that is where the big problems lie. Let's look at the first one.

Note how the size and placement of the sheet does not match my face at all. It would not smooth down, it tried to cover my eyebrows (no!), and it hung too low on my chin. To top that off this Exfoliate felt burning after a few minutes but I toughed it out for the full twenty minutes. Oddly the directions said to "gently pat" in the remaining product... ah, no! Exfoliating means that  you should be removing dead skin to reveal and promote newer skin. In fact, every one of the facial sheet mask had the identical directions for every step which makes no sense when each is supposed to do something different for your face.

I could try cutting the mask into pieces and applying it that way but I'm not being paid to test these out and that would take as much if not more time than applying a mask with just a semi-liquid product. That's adding more time and more work to an already stressful time of year for many of us.

For me this Spa Line from Kroger is a failure.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Nail Fun with Friends or Lovers

I've written before about nail polish; it is my own form of cosmetics unless you count lip balm, lotion, or scent. Recently I've experimented with decals and nail decoration that goes beyond polish. I was offered a chance through the Amazon Vine Reviewer program to test a nail kit marketed toward kids from Alex Brands. I hoped this would teach me a bit more about nail decoration. I was sent this kit in exchange for an honest review on Amazon but I thought some of you might find it interesting as well. I received no other compensation for this article.

The kit box proclaims that it has 190 pieces but let's be honest -- most of these are the 135 tiny "sticky nail gems" and I mean I needed tweezers to use them tiny. There are also 49 appliques that you can color in that are very fragile but larger so be careful when you add them. There are 5 2-in-1 nail polish pens that have a brush in and a "precision tip." There is also a star-shaped nail file that is very weak even if it looks cute.

To use the polish pen's brush or tip, you remove the top in different ways that took us a few minutes to figure out. These pens are sealed tight and the polish inside varied in thickness. We discovered that the tips flowed smoothly once you got them going but you needed to scrap off the brush part before trying to apply it because if the nail polish is too thick it won't dry evenly or quickly. There are these taped pins on the flat, black bottom of the pens if the tip doesn't work but we didn't have to use them at all so I left them attached as you could see.

The supplies came in an over-sized plastic box inside the cardboard box. Given all of the small pieces such as the pins and the gems and appliques, I wish this had a storage case instead of the plastic that you can see in this photo.

I applied nail polish to my partner's hands along with some of the "sticky nail gems" as you can see here. He loves getting peacocked up but he feel conscious about doing it in our culture so we can only do it on weekends. Personally I think this is sexist in a bizarre way. In much of the animal kingdom, male animals are more colorful. Even pickup artists, as much as I loath their sexist philosophies and fuck at all costs attitudes, seem to understand that dressing up nice and being colorful is a good way for men to attract attention. I like his nails, what do you think? He has nice large surface areas to work with, we could have easily put 1-2 more of the gems on each one. We didn't use a clear top coat, none came in the kit and the instructions do not mention them; the gems fell off in less than 24 hours with normal daily activity but the turquoise polish remained.

We used the color-in appliques on my nails and my partner used the "precision tip" to color them in. What do you think? We did use a clear top coat because these were more fragile to begin with and I wanted mine to last; he used polish remover Sunday night on his for work the next day. The polish dries very quickly if you do not apply it too thickly. If you use tweezers you can get the stickers or appliques on fairly well. The appliques are less thick and I loved the coloring in aspect of it. Frankly get rid of the "sticky nail gems" and give me more of these with more colors to use.

One final photo for you. These are my nails a week later. I've used basic polish remover but look at what has been removed -- the top coat and the polish. The only damage you see to the appliques are what happened while using my hands for the week I had these on. I'm not sure at this point how to remove them except by working at the edges and peeling them off but that is taking a bit of time. At least it isn't as stinky as polish remover, right? How many of you have done the stickers, decals, and multiple colors to your nails? Tell me about it in the comments please.